Why digitisation is growing in importance

Rapid digital transformation is a priority for organisations all over the world. Firms must not only make changes to their business delivery, but also create a truly digital work experience for their employees.

2019冠状病毒病及其引发的劳动力转型加速了这一进程. Employee expectations are changing. 五分之二的员工表示,如果雇主推广或赞助数字健康解决方案,他们就不太可能离开公司. 像这样, HR teams must design employee experiences that are fit for a flexible, 数字化工作环境.

幸运的是, 加速的数字化导致了数字健康和福祉规划的爆炸式增长, which have become more relevant and have gained significant traction.

然而,人员管理实践并没有跟上其他技术发展的步伐. Risks involving cybersecurity, 个人信息丢失, and system obsolescence are heightened due to how HR data is maintained, and how benefits and other HR programmes are delivered.

人力资源和福利团队需要找到方法来团结员工,共享员工体验, wherever and however they are working.

美世达信福利 Digital Growth Leader

Providing a consistent digital experience

Employee benefit programmes and the teams that deliver, manage and report on them have been thrust into the spotlight, with increased C-suite attention.

提供全球一致的员工体验的重要性也呈指数级增长, 大流行加速了这一进程.

因为雇主被迫不仅要提供就业机会,还要成为社会联系的提供者, 情感支持和精神健康福利以及提供它们的系统变得比以往任何时候都更加重要.

At a time when corporate incomes were plummeting, there might have been an expectation that benefits budgets would be cut. However, the opposite was true. More than 70% of organisations increased spend as a result of the pandemic.

With this increase in visibility and investment, HR and benefits teams will be under increased scrutiny, 提供可靠的数据点,以证明这项投资是明智的,并提供切实的投资回报(ROI)。.

对于这个, they will need to consolidate their data sources, and focus on strengthening their data analytics capabilities.

Making sure you have the right digital infrastructure, 应对未来挑战的福利提供和合作伙伴将是大流行后人力资源和奖励团队面临的真正挑战.

这些好处本身只是投资的一部分,如何实现这些好处也是关键. 在任何时候, 在任何地方, 任何工作场所, more investment in consumer-grade delivery of benefits will be essential.

Just as COVID-19 shone a spotlight on the vital role employee benefits play, 它还强调了需要强大的技术来应对变化并保持员工的敬业精神.

HR technologies must keep pace with employee expectations. 在很多组织中, 弄清楚如何注册和获得福利仍然是一个令人沮丧的经历.

通过数字解决方案缓解这种沮丧,让员工轻松获得福利计划和直观的福利体验. 这意味着你可以更好地与你的员工互动,并在重要时刻支持他们. 它还为您提供更好的成本可见性,监督和利用见解.

Getting started on your digitalisation journey


员工的个人信息(如工资或家属信息)是否使用电子表格与第三方共享? Is that a risk you are comfortable with?

Are our HR processes aligned to the employee experience we are seeking to create?
81%的雇主表示,实现“全球一致的员工体验”是“当务之急”。, and its importance has increased year-on-year since 2018.

在大流行之前, 68%的雇主表示,他们可能在未来五年内投资于数字医疗. Interest was strongest among employers in high-tech, 制造/建筑, and financial services/insurance.

What is our digitisation strategy?
Make sure you know who is driving digitisation in your organisation, 人力资源和企业风险管理团队需要做出哪些贡献,才能制定一个有凝聚力的数字议程.

Is our employee experience for managing benefits “consumer-grade”?
可悲的是,对许多员工来说,登记和享受福利仍然是一种令人沮丧的经历. Over the coming years, the bar will continue to be raised. 至少, even if programmes are highly fragmented, employers must determine what their digital approach to health, 风险保护, 福利项目是,然后通过提供更简单的, 有趣的, and integrated experience over time.

The challenges facing organisations today






of organisations spent more on HR tech during the pandemic as a result.

A digital-first approach to benefits in a post-pandemic world

组织, 人力资源团队和他们提供的员工福利已经在我们不断变化的工作世界中反复接受了压力测试. 因此,福利和用于提供这些福利的技术在企业议程中占据了重要位置. Get an in-depth look at the impact this has had on benefits and technology trends.

How 美世达信福利 can help

我们认识到数字解决方案在帮助雇主将奖励和福利战略提升到一个新的水平方面可以发挥的关键作用. The right tech solutions will drive improved value through enhanced communications, engagement and employee experience to improved efficiencies, analytics and risk management.

确保技术为您的组织提供正确的结果和投资回报, 我们市场领先的咨询服务也在这里提供专家支持和相关的见解,在数字化旅程的每一个阶段.

Innovation sits at the heart of our digital strategy, 我们致力于让我们的客户走在正在进行的技术和数据革命的最前沿.

  • 达尔文

    Take automation, user experience and analysis to a whole new level.

    与达尔文, 您拥有一个与您已经使用的工具无缝集成的系统,并为您提供灵活性, increases employee engagement, controls cost and reduces risk – all from one single platform.

  • 员工沟通


    Employees can only see benefits as a reward if they know about them, actively participate in their selection, 理解它们的价值.

  • 有利于你的

    一套互补性的数字工具,旨在帮助现代企业充分利用其优势. 无论你是在一个国家运营的中小企业还是世界上最大的跨国公司之一, 有利于你的 meets you where you are, giving you the tools you need to achieve your goals.


    Demonstrate your commitment to a digital approach to health and benefits

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